MindBlown (MindBlown Productions) was created due to the need seen by magician and mentalist Matt Tarrant to support and develop young and up-and-coming Australian talent.
It is the first (and we believe only) not-for-profit talent agency and production company that runs solely to support and develop the artist. There are no agency fees, no management overheads and every dollar paid for entertainment goes directly to the artist! Not only does this mean you save – it means every time you book an artist through MindBlown it directly supports the young artist that you are entertained by!
Every year Matt continues to donate his time to help develop and mentor young performers who aim to be added to the MindBlown Artist page when they meet our world-class standard! Not only do we teach our young performers the magic skills required to be world-class but we also teach them business, communication, social and marketing skills to help their career development soar independently – and with us!
If you know of a young performer who is ready to take the next step, or wants support to get there – get in touch with us today!
If you want to support young, world-class and independent performers at your next event – book one of our artists today!
Thanks for supporting MindBlown!
Matt x